2012. április 24., kedd

Locus-díjas regények 1971 - (SCI-FI)

Science-fiction 1971 -
Gondoltam összegyűjtöm a blogon az évenként odaítélt jelentősebb díjak (Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Locus), sci-fi és fantasy kategóriákban induló - és nyertes - műveit. A magyarul is kiadott könyveket dőltel szedtem, és a magyar cím mellett a kiadót is feltüntettem. Aki talál olyan regényt a listán, amit nem vettem észre, és ki lett adva magyarul, az kérem jelezze, hogy javíthassam!

A science-fiction kategória a Locus kategóriák legöregebbje. 1971-óta ítélik oda az elsőséget valamelyik könyvnek. A fantasy ehhez képest fiatalnak számít, hiszen csak 1978-ban hirdettek benne külön győztes, majd 1979-ben már újra nem, hogy aztán 1980-tól töretlenül legyen saját kategóriáján belül is díjazottja.

A Locus-díj egy irodalmi díj, amely a Locus Magazine közönségdíja. 1971-ben adták ki először az 1970-ben írt művekre vonatkozóan. [Wikipedia]

Itt nem 3-5 ember (még ha esetleg értenek is hozzá és szaktekintélynek számítanak is) választja ki a számára legszimpatikusabbat, hanem a könyvek tényleges olvasói szavazhatnak kedvencükre. Író lennék, ennek a díjnak örülnék legjobban, bár szakmai szempontból biztos kisebb jelentőségű, mint a Hugo vagy a Nebula.

Nektek vannak olyan könyvek ezen a listán, ami miatt fáj a szivetek, hogy még nem olvashattátok őket magyarul? Adassuk ki! :D

Köszönet a kiadott könyvekért a kiadóknak! 

2012 (Finalisták)
James S. A. Corey - Leviathan Wakes
Stephen King - 11/22/63
China Miéville - Embassytown
Charles Stross - Rule 34
Vernor Vinge - The Children of the Sky

Connie Willis - Blackout/All Clear
Lois McMaster Bujold - Cryoburn
Ian McDonald - The Dervish House (A dervisház) [Ad Astra]
Iain M. Banks - Surface Detail
William Gibson - Zero History
Justin Cronin - The Passage (A szabadulás) [Cartaphilus]
Mira Grant - Feed
Greg Bear - Hull Zero Three
Alastair Reynolds - Terminal World
Elizabeth Bear - Chill
Joe Haldeman - Starbound
Jon Armstrong - Yarn
Greg Egan - Zendegi
John Barnes - Directive 51
Charlie Huston - Sleepless
Alexander Jablokov - Brain Thief
Johanna Sinisalo - Birdbrain
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller - Saltation

Cherie Priest - Boneshaker
Kage Baker - The Empress of Mars
Kim Stanley Robinson - Galileo's Dream
Robert Charles Wilson - Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd-Century America
Nancy Kress - Steal Across the Sky
Iain M. Banks - Transition
Stephen King - Under the Dome (A búra alatt) [Európa]
Paul McAuley - Gardens of the Sun
Walter Jon Williams - This Is Not a Game
Stephen Baxter - Ark
Daryl Gregory - The Devil's Alphabet
Jonathan Lethem - Chronic City
Karl Schroeder - The Sunless Countries
Paul Melko - The Walls of the Universe
Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl (A felhúzhatós lány) [Ad Astra]
Adam Roberts - Yellow Blue Tibia
Alexander C. Irvine - Buyout

Neal Stephenson - Anathem
Iain M. Banks - Matter (Anyag) [Agave]
Greg Bear - City at the End of Time
Charles Stross - Saturn's Children
Joe Haldeman - Marsbound
Jo Walton - Half a Crown
Greg Egan - Incandescence
John Varley - Rolling Thunder
Walter Jon Williams - Implied Spaces
Alastair Reynolds - House of Suns
Paul McAuley - The Quiet War
Michael Flynn - The January Dancer
Jay Lake - Escapement
Karl Schroeder - Pirate Sun
Stephen Baxter - Flood
Stephen Baxter - Weaver
Ken MacLeod - The Night Sessions
Ian R. MacLeod - Song of Time
K. J. Parker - The Company

Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union (Jiddis Rendőrök Szövetsége) [Cartaphilus]
William Gibson - Spook Country
Charles Stross - Halting State
Ian McDonald - Brasyl
Joe Haldeman - The Accidental Time Machine
Robert Charles Wilson - Axis (Tengely) [Metropolis Media]
Richard Morgan - Black Man
Ken MacLeod - The Execution Channel
Jo Walton - Ha'penny
Kim Stanley Robinson - Sixty Days and Counting
Elizabeth Bear - Undertow
Jay Lake - Mainspring
Karl Schroeder - Queen of Candesce
Kage Baker - The Sons of Heaven
Alastair Reynolds - The Prefect
Matt Ruff - Bad Monkeys
Susan Palwick - Shelter
Brian W. Aldiss - HARM
Kathleen Ann Goonan - In War Times
K. J. Parker - Engineer Trilogy: Devices and Desires/Evil for Evil/The Escapement
John Scalzi - The Last Colony
Stephen Baxter - Conqueror
Mark Budz - Till Human Voices Wake Us

Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End (A szivárvány tövében) [Metropolis Media]
Charles Stross - Glasshouse
Peter Watts - Blindsight
Elizabeth Bear - Carnival
Jo Walton - Farthing
Charles Stross - The Clan Corporate
Cormac McCarthy - The Road (Az út) [Magvető]
Thomas Pynchon - Against the Day
Karl Schroeder - Sun of Suns
Rudy Rucker - Mathematicians in Love
Michael Flynn - Eifelheim
M. John Harrison - Nova Swing
Jon Courtenay Grimwood - End of the World Blues
Karen Traviss - Matriarch
John Barnes - The Armies of Memory
Neal Asher - Polity Agent
Stephen Baxter - Emperor
Justina Robson - Keeping It Real
John Scalzi - The Ghost Brigades
Mary Rosenblum - Horizons
Richard Calder - Babylon
John Scalzi - The Android's Dream

Charles Stross - Accelerando
Dan Simmons - Olympos
Robert Charles Wilson - Spin (Pörgés) [Metropolis Media]
Kim Stanley Robinson - Fifty Degrees Below
Ken MacLeod - Learning the World
Orson Scott Card - Shadow of the Giant
Joe Haldeman - Old Twentieth
Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go (Ne engedj el...) [Új Palatinus, Cartaphilus]
Jack McDevitt - Seeker (Elveszett kolónia) [Metropolis Media]
John Varley - Mammoth
Alastair Reynolds - Pushing Ice
Stephen Baxter - Transcendent
Andreas Eschbach - The Carpet Makers (Hajszőnyegszövők) [Metropolis Media]
Karen Traviss - The World Before
Karl Schroeder - Lady of Mazes
Jon Courtenay Grimwood - 9Tail Fox
Robert Reed - The Well of Stars
Justina Robson - Living Next Door to the God of Love
Richard Paul Russo - The Rosetta Codex
Wil McCarthy - To Crush the Moon
Damien Broderick - Godplayers
Paul McAuley - Mind's Eye
Paul Witcover - Tumbling After
John Scalzi - Old Man's War (Vének háborúja) [Agave]

Neal Stephenson - The Baroque Cycle: The Confusion; The System of the World
Charles Stross - Iron Sunrise
Cory Doctorow - Eastern Standard Tribe
Kim Stanley Robinson - Forty Signs of Rain (Árral szemben) [Metropolis Media]
Iain M. Banks - The Algebraist (A száműző) [Agave]
Joe Haldeman - Camouflage
Ken MacLeod - Newton's Wake
Kage Baker - The Life of the World to Come
Ian McDonald - River of Gods
David Mitchell - Cloud Atlas
Philip Roth - The Plot Against America (Összeesküvés Amerika ellen) [Európa]
Robert A. Heinlein - For Us, the Living
Nancy Kress - Crucible
Geoff Ryman - Air (Levegő) [Delta Vision]
Alastair Reynolds - Century Rain
Liz Williams - Banner of Souls
Stephen Baxter - Exultant
Jon Courtenay Grimwood - Stamping Butterflies
Wil McCarthy - Lost in Transmission
Bruce Sterling - The Zenith Angle
Zoran Zivkovic - The Fourth Circle
Rudy Rucker - Frek and the Elixir
Paul McAuley - White Devils
Paul Di Filippo - Spondulix
Matthew Hughes - Black Brillion
Rosemary Kirstein - The Language of Power
Gwyneth Jones - Life
Karen Traviss - City of Pearl
Jack McDevitt - Polaris (Polaris) [Metropolis Media]

Dan Simmons - Ilium
William Gibson - Pattern Recognition
Neal Stephenson - Quicksilver
Greg Bear - Darwin's Children
Elizabeth Moon - The Speed of Dark (A sötét sebessége) [Metropolis Media]
Alastair Reynolds - Absolution Gap
Charles Stross - Singularity Sky
Jack McDevitt - Omega
Stephen Baxter - Coalescent
Robert Charles Wilson - Blind Lake
John C. Wright - The Golden Age: The Phoenix Exultant; The Golden Transcendence
Nancy Kress - Nothing Human
Justina Robson - Natural History
Scott Westerfeld - Succession: The Risen Empire; The Killing of Worlds
Liz Williams - The Poison Master
Robert Reed - Sister Alice
Jon Courtenay Grimwood - Felaheen: The Third Arabesk
Linda Nagata - Memory
Rosemary Kirstein - The Lost Steersman
Neal Asher - The Line of Polity

Kim Stanley Robinson - The Years of Rice and Salt (A rizs és a só évei) [Metropolis Media]
David Brin - Kiln People (Dettó) [Metropolis Media]
Michael Swanwick - Bones of the Earth
Alastair Reynolds - Redemption Ark
Allen Steele - Coyote
M. John Harrison - Light (Fény) [Metropolis Media]
Orson Scott Card - Shadow Puppets
Jack McDevitt - Chindi
Christopher Priest - The Separation
Greg Egan - Schild's Ladder
Carol Emshwiller - The Mount
Nancy Kress - Probability Space
Joe Haldeman - Guardian
Ken MacLeod - Engine City
Harry Turtledove - Ruled Britannia
Stephen Baxter - Evolution
Greg Bear - Vitals
Steven Barnes - Lion's Blood
Patrick O'Leary - The Impossible Bird
John Barnes - The Sky So Big and Black
Sheri S. Tepper - The Visitor
Kathleen Ann Goonan - Light Music
Lois McMaster Bujold - Diplomatic Immunity
Karl Schroeder - Permanence
Walter Jon Williams - The Praxis
Rudy Rucker - Spaceland
Brian Stableford - The Omega Expedition

Connie Willis - Passage
Orson Scott Card - Shadow of the Hegemon (A Hegemón árnyékában) [Alexandra]
Robert Charles Wilson - The Chronoliths
Gene Wolfe - Return to the Whorl
C. J. Cherryh - Defender
Ken MacLeod - Cosmonaut Keep (Kozmonauták vára) [Metropolis Media]
Maureen F. McHugh - Nekropolis
Nancy Kress - Probability Sun
Alastair Reynolds - Chasm City
Stephen Baxter - Origin: Manifold 3
Terry Bisson - The Pickup Artist
Richard Paul Russo - Ship of Fools
Jack Williamson - Terraforming Earth
John Clute - Appleseed
Paul McAuley - The Secret of Life
John Barnes - The Merchants of Souls
Ken MacLeod - Dark Light (Sötét fény) [Metropolis Media]
Tony Daniel - Metaplanetary
Pat Cadigan - Dervish Is Digital
Jack Womack - Going, Going, Gone
Linda Nagata - Limit of Vision
Brian Stableford - The Cassandra Complex
Sean McMullen - Eyes of the Calculor
Peter Watts - Maelstrom
Jasper Fforde - The Eyre Affair
Candas Jane Dorsey - A Paradigm of Earth
Jack McDevitt - Deepsix
Paul McAuley - Whole Wide World
Susan R. Matthews - Angel of Destruction

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Telling (A rege) [Delta Vision]
Gregory Benford - Eater
Bruce Sterling - Zeitgeist
Joe Haldeman - The Coming
Gene Wolfe - In Green's Jungles
Ken MacLeod - The Sky Road
Iain M. Banks - Look to Windward (Nézz a szélbe) [Agave]
Stephen Baxter - Space: Manifold 2
Nalo Hopkinson - Midnight Robber
Nancy Kress - Probability Moon
Kathleen Ann Goonan - Crescent City Rhapsody
Wil McCarthy - The Collapsium
Robert Reed - Marrow
Brian Stableford - The Fountains of Youth
Poul Anderson - Genesis
Sheri S. Tepper - The Fresco
Paul J. McAuley - Shrine of Stars
Karl Schroeder - Ventus
John Barnes - Candle
James Alan Gardner - Hunted
Susan R. Matthews - Colony Fleet
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space
Melissa Scott - The Jazz
Sean McMullen - The Miocene Arrow
Rebecca Ore - Outlaw School
Geoffrey A. Landis - Mars Crossing
Jamil Nasir - Distance Haze
David Weber - Ashes of Victory
Jack McDevitt - Infinity Beach

Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
Greg Bear - Darwin's Radio
Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in the Sky
Lois McMaster Bujold - A Civil Campaign
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Shadow (Ender árnyéka) [Alexandra]
Joe Haldeman - Forever Free
C. J. Cherryh - Precursor
Gene Wolfe - On Blue's Waters
Peter F. Hamilton - The Naked God
Greg Egan - Teranesia
Ken MacLeod - The Cassini Division
Gregory Benford - The Martian Race
Frank M. Robinson - Waiting
Stephen Baxter - Time: Manifold 1
William Gibson - All Tomorrow's Parties (A holnap tegnapja) [Metropolis Media]
Robert Charles Wilson - Bios (Bioszféra) [Metropolis Media]
Frederik Pohl - The Far Shore of Time
Norman Spinrad - Greenhouse Summer
John Barnes - Finity
Paul J. McAuley - Ancients of Days
Sean McMullen - Souls in the Great Machine
Sheri S. Tepper - Singer from the Sea
Christopher Priest - The Extremes
Suzy McKee Charnas - The Conqueror's Child
Jamil Nasir - Tower of Dreams

Connie Willis - To Say Nothing of the Dog
Robert Charles Wilson - Darwinia
Robert Silverberg - The Alien Years
Bruce Sterling - Distraction
John Varley - The Golden Globe
Gregory Benford - Cosm
Mary Doria Russell - Children of God
Octavia E. Butler - Parable of the Talents
Jack Vance - Ports of Call
Poul Anderson - Starfarers
Greg Bear - Dinosaur Summer
Sheri S. Tepper - Six Moon Dance
Nancy Kress - Maximum Light
Stephen Baxter - Moonseed
Lois McMaster Bujold - Komarr
Maureen F. McHugh - Mission Child
Linda Nagata - Vast
Paul J. McAuley - Child of the River
Alexander Jablokov - Deepdrive
Jonathan Lethem - Girl in Landscape
Tad Williams - Otherland: River of Blue Fire (Másvilág - A Kék Tűz folyója I-II.) [Dáin]
John Barnes - Earth Made of Glass
Joan Slonczewski - The Children Star
Wil McCarthy - Bloom
K. W. Jeter - Noir
Jack McDevitt - Moonfall
Susan R. Matthews - Prisoner of Conscience
Ian McDonald - Kirinya
Ken MacLeod - The Cassini Division
Melissa Scott - The Shapes of Their Hearts

Dan Simmons - The Rise of Endymion
Kim Stanley Robinson - Antarctica
Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace
Walter M. Miller, Jr., with Terry Bisson - Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman
C. J. Cherryh - Finity's End
Greg Bear - Slant
Greg Egan - Diaspora
Sarah Zettel - Fool's War
Stephen Baxter - Titan
Arthur C. Clarke - 3001: The Final Odyssey (3001 - Végső űrodisszeia) [N&N]
Peter F. Hamilton - The Reality Dysfunction
Patricia Anthony - God's Fires
John Kessel - Corrupting Dr. Nice
Larry Niven - Destiny's Road
Jack McDevitt - Eternity Road
Jack Williamson - The Black Sun
Sheri S. Tepper - The Family Tree
Elizabeth Hand - Glimmering
Paul Preuss - Secret Passages
Poul Anderson - The Fleet of Stars
Kathleen Ann Goonan - Mississippi Blues
Amitav Ghosh - The Calcutta Chromosome
Melissa Scott - Dreaming Metal
Charles Sheffield - Tomorrow and Tomorrow
Molly Gloss - The Dazzle of Day
Elizabeth Moon - Once a Hero
John Cramer - Einstein's Bridge
Linda Nagata - Deception Well

Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars
Dan Simmons - Endymion
Lois McMaster Bujold - Memory
Lois McMaster Bujold - Cetaganda
Bruce Sterling - Holy Fire
William Gibson - Idoru (Idoru) [N&N]
C. J. Cherryh - Inheritor
Jack Vance - Night Lamp
Paul J. McAuley - Fairyland
Gene Wolfe - Exodus from the Long Sun
Stephen Baxter - Voyage
Nancy Kress - Beggars Ride
Iain M. Banks - Excession (Holtpont) [Agave]
Larry Niven - The Ringworld Throne
Orson Scott Card - Children of the Mind
Tad Williams - Otherland: City of Golden Shadow (Másvilág - Az arany árnyék városa I-II.) [Dáin]
Joan D. Vinge - Dreamfall
Elizabeth Moon - Remnant Population
Greg Egan - Distress
Terry Bisson - Pirates of the Universe
Alexander Jablokov - River of Dust
Melissa Scott - Night Sky Mine
Frederik Pohl - The Other End of Time
Sheri S. Tepper - Gibbon's Decline and Fall
Allen Steele - The Tranquillity Alternative
Nancy Kress - Oaths and Miracles
David Brin - Infinity's Shore

Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age (Gyémántkor I-II.) [Galaktika]
David Brin - Brightness Reef
C. J. Cherryh - Invader
Greg Bear - Legacy
Stephen Baxter - The Time Ships (Időhajók) [Galaktika]
Gregory Benford - Sailing Bright Eternity
Ian McDonald - Chaga (Evolution's Shore)
Walter Jon Williams - Metropolitan
Harry Turtledove - Worldwar: Tilting the Balance
Nicola Griffith - Slow River
Jonathan Lethem - Amnesia Moon (Amerikai amnézia) [Galaktika]
John Barnes - Kaleidoscope Century
Paul J. McAuley - Fairyland
Charles Sheffield - The Ganymede Club
Charles Pellegrino & George Zebrowski - The Killing Star
Rebecca Ore - Gaia's Toys
Mary Rosenblum - The Stone Garden
Valerie J. Freireich - Testament
Lisa Mason - The Golden Nineties
Melissa Scott - Shadow Man
Robert J. Sawyer - The Terminal Experiment (Lélekhullám) [Galaktika]
Robert Reed - An Exaltation of Larks

Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance
Octavia E. Butler - Parable of the Sower
C. J. Cherryh - Foreigner
John Barnes - Mother of Storms
Nancy Kress - Beggars and Choosers
Bruce Sterling - Heavy Weather
Harry Turtledove - Worldwar: In the Balance
Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee - Rama Revealed
Gene Wolfe - Caldé of the Long Sun
Anne McCaffrey - The Dolphins of Pern
Jack McDevitt - The Engines of God
Gregory Benford - Furious Gulf
Poul Anderson - The Stars Are Also Fire
Sheri S. Tepper - Shadow's End
Lisa Mason - Summer of Love
Ian McDonald - Necroville (Terminal Café)
C. J. Cherryh - Tripoint
Frederik Pohl - The Voices of Heaven
Iain M. Banks - Feersum Endjinn
Maureen F. McHugh - Half the Day is Night
Stephen Baxter - Ring
Greg Egan - Permutation City
George Turner - Genetic Soldier
Kevin J. Anderson - Climbing Olympus
Jack Womack - Random Acts of Senseless Violence
James Patrick Kelly - Wildlife
Robert J. Sawyer - End of an Era
A. A. Attanasio - Solis
Paul J. McAuley - Pasquale's Angel
Robert Charles Wilson - Mysterium
Allen Steele - The Jericho Iteration

Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars
Greg Bear - Moving Mars
Nancy Kress - Beggars in Spain
William Gibson - Virtual Light (Virtuálfény) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
David Brin - Glory Season
Algis Budrys - Hard Landing
Orson Scott Card - The Call of Earth
Sheri S. Tepper - A Plague of Angels
Poul Anderson - Harvest of Stars
Iain M. Banks - Against a Dark Background (Sötét háttér előtt) [Agave]
Arthur C. Clarke - The Hammer of God (Isten pörölye) [Szukits]
Eleanor Arnason - Ring of Swords
Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough - Powers That Be
David Zindell - The Broken God
John M. Ford - Growing Up Weightless
Patricia Anthony - Brother Termite
Charles Sheffield - Godspeed
Jack Womack - Elvissey
Michaela Roessner - Vanishing Point
Mary Rosenblum - Chimera
Paul J. McAuley - Red Dust
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - The Gripping Hand (A szálkák) [Aquila-Cherubion]
Gene Wolfe - Nightside the Long Sun
Stephen Baxter - Timelike Infinity
Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason - Assemblers of Infinity

Connie Willis - Doomsday Book (Ítélet könyve) [Galaktika]
Kim Stanley Robinson - Red Mars (Vörös Mars) [N&N]
Dan Simmons - The Hollow Man
Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep (Tűz lobban a mélyben) [Ad Astra]
John Varley - Steel Beach
Greg Bear - Anvil of Stars
C. J. Cherryh - Chanur's Legacy
Ben Bova - Mars
Orson Scott Card - The Memory of Earth
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash (Snow Crash) [Galaktika]
Joe Haldeman - Worlds Enough and Time
Anne McCaffrey - Crystal Line
Michael Bishop - Count Geiger's Blues
C. J. Cherryh - Hellburner
Sheri S. Tepper - Sideshow
Walter Jon Williams - Aristoi
Allen Steele - Labyrinth of Night
Frederik Pohl - Mining the Oort
James P. Blaylock - Lord Kelvin's Machine
Ian McDonald - Hearts, Hands and Voices (The Broken Land)
John Barnes - A Million Open Doors
Kate Elliott - Jaran
Laura J. Mixon - Glass Houses
Maureen F. McHugh - China Mountain Zhang
Alexander Jablokov - A Deeper Sea
Megan Lindholm - Alien Earth
Elizabeth Hand - Aestival Tide

Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar (Barrayar) [Lazi]
Orson Scott Card - Xenocide (Fajirtás) [Szukits]
Emma Bull - Bone Dance
Joan D. Vinge - The Summer Queen
Anne McCaffrey - All the Weyrs of Pern
Michael Swanwick - Stations of the Tide
C. J. Cherryh - Heavy Time
Frank M. Robinson - The Dark Beyond the Stars
Pat Cadigan - Synners
George Turner - Brain Child
Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee - The Garden of Rama
Jack Vance - Ecce and Old Earth
Eleanor Arnason - A Woman of the Iron People
Norman Spinrad - Russian Spring
Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason - The Trinity Paradox
Kate Wilhelm - Death Qualified: A Mystery of Chaos
Rebecca Ore - The Illegal Rebirth of Billy the Kid
Judith Moffett - The Ragged World
Alexander Jablokov - Carve the Sky
Paul J. McAuley - Eternal Light
Bradley Denton - Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede

Dan Simmons - The Fall of Hyperion (Hyperion bukása) [Cherubion, Agave]
David Brin - Earth
Greg Bear - Queen of Angels
Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game
Terry Bisson - Voyage to the Red Planet
Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land (eredeti, vágatlan változat) (Angyali üdvözlet) [Prae]
Michael P. Kube-McDowell - The Quiet Pools
William Gibson & Bruce Sterling - The Difference Engine (A gépezet) [Naqual Publishing]
Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park) [Maecenas]
Roger MacBride Allen - The Ring of Charon
Anne McCaffrey - Pegasus in Flight
Sheri S. Tepper - Raising the Stones
Kim Stanley Robinson - Pacific Edge
Joe Haldeman - The Hemingway Hoax
John E. Stith - Redshift Rendezvous
Charles Sheffield - Summertide
Katharine Kerr - Polar City Blues
Frederik Pohl - The World at the End of Time
Allen Steele - Clarke County, Space
Rudy Rucker - The Hollow Earth
Anne McCaffrey - The Rowan
Michael F. Flynn - In the Country of the Blind
Arthur C. Clarke - The Ghost from the Grand Banks
Robert Charles Wilson - The Divide
Michael Armstrong - Agviq
Jack Womack - Heathern

Dan Simmons - Hyperion (Hyperion) [Cherubion, Agave]
C. J. Cherryh - Rimrunners
Sheri S. Tepper - Grass
Gregory Benford - Tides of Light
George Alec Effinger - A Fire in the Sun
Poul Anderson - The Boat of a Million Years
Arthur C. Clarke & Gentry Lee - Rama II (Ráma II) [Szukits]
Emma Bull - Falcon
Dan Simmons - Phases of Gravity
Pat Murphy - The City, Not Long After
Octavia E. Butler - Imago
Jack McDevitt - A Talent for War (Született stratéga) [Galaktika]
John Kessel - Good News from Outer Space
R. A. MacAvoy - The Third Eagle
Joe Haldeman - Buying Time (The Long Habit of Living)
Frederik Pohl - Homegoing
Rebecca Ore - Being Alien
K. W. Jeter - Farewell Horizontal (Isten veled, láthatár) [Móra]
Ian McDonald - Out on Blue Six
Allen Steele - Orbital Decay
Geoff Ryman - The Child Garden
Paul Park - Sugar Rain
Stanislaw Lem - Eden (Éden) [Kozmosz, Szukits]
Neal Barrett, Jr. - Dawn's Uncertain Light
Robert Reed - Black Milk
Dave Wolverton - On My Way to Paradise
Anne McCaffrey - The Renegades of Pern
Robert Silverberg - The Queen of Springtime (The New Springtime)

C. J. Cherryh - Cyteen
William Gibson - Mona Lisa Overdrive (Mona Lisa Overdrive) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
Bruce Sterling - Islands in the Net
Isaac Asimov - Prelude to Foundation (Előjáték az Alapítványhoz) [Cédrus, GABO]
Kim Stanley Robinson - The Gold Coast
Greg Bear - Eternity
Anne McCaffrey - Dragonsdawn
Lewis Shiner - Deserted Cities of the Heart
Lois McMaster Bujold - Falling Free
Jack Vance - Araminta Station
Michael P. Kube-McDowell - Alternities
Octavia E. Butler - Adulthood Rites
Joan D. Vinge - Catspaw
Robert Silverberg - At Winter's End
Lois McMaster Bujold - Brothers in Arms
Mike Resnick - Ivory
Rudy Rucker - Wetware
Kate Wilhelm - Crazy Time
Pamela Sargent - Venus of Shadows
Roger MacBride Allen - Orphan of Creation
Sheri S. Tepper - The Gate to Women's Country
Iain M. Banks - The Player of Games (A játékmester) [Agave]
Marc Laidlaw - Neon Lotus
Janet Kagan - Hellspark
Hilbert Schenck - Chronosequence,
John Brunner - Children of the Thunder
Terry Bisson - Fire on the Mountain
Jack Womack - Terraplane
Paul Preuss - Starfire
Nancy Kress - An Alien Light
Joe Clifford Faust - The Company Man

David Brin - The Uplift War
George Alec Effinger - When Gravity Fails
Gene Wolfe - The Urth of the New Sun
Greg Bear - The Forge of God
Lucius Shepard - Life During Wartime
Frederik Pohl - The Annals of the Heechee (A hícsik krónikái) [Ulpius]
Michael Swanwick - Vacuum Flowers
Larry Niven - The Smoke Ring
Gregory Benford - Great Sky River
Arthur C. Clarke - 2061: Odyssey Three (2061. Harmadik űrodisszeia) [Móra]
Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle & Steven Barnes - The Legacy of Heorot
Robert A. Heinlein - To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Mike McQuay - Memories
Patricia A. McKillip - Fool's Run
Michael Bishop - The Secret Ascension
Stephen King - The Tommyknockers (Rémkoppantók) [Európa]
Octavia E. Butler - Dawn
Julian May - Intervention
Sheri S. Tepper - After Long Silence
James White - Code Blue - Emergency!
Gordon R. Dickson - Way of the Pilgrim
Walter Jon Williams - Voice of the Whirlwind
Sheri S. Tepper - The Awakeners (Northshore; Southshore)
Hal Clement - Still River
Richard Bowker - Dover Beach
Richard Grant - Rumors of Spring
Christopher Hinz - Liege-Killer
C. S. Friedman - In Conquest Born
Norman Spinrad - Little Heroes
Ken Grimwood - Replay (Időcsapda) [Beholder]
Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons - Watchmen (Az Őrzők) [Cartaphilus]
Lisa Goldstein - A Mask for the General

Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead (A holtak szószólója) [Valhalla Páholy]
Gregory Benford & David Brin - Heart of the Comet
William Gibson - Count Zero (Számláló nullára, Szukits)
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale (A szolgálólány meséje) [Lazi]
Isaac Asimov - Foundation and Earth (Alapítvány és Föld) (Móra, GABO)
C. J. Cherryh - Chanur's Homecoming
Vernor Vinge - Marooned in Realtime
Arthur C. Clarke - The Songs of Distant Earth (A távoli Föld dalai) [Rege]
Frederik Pohl - The Coming of the Quantum Cats
Mike Resnick - Santiago
Michael P. Kube-McDowell - Enigma
George Alec Effinger - When Gravity Fails
M. Bradley Kellogg & William Rossow - Lear's Daughters
Robert Silverberg - Star of Gypsies
Anne McCaffrey - Nerilka's Story (Nerilka története) [Delta Vision]
Lois McMaster Bujold - The Warrior's Apprentice
Donald Kingsbury - The Moon Goddess and the Son
Walter Jon Williams - Hardwired
Steven R. Boyett - The Architect of Sleep
Pamela Sargent - Venus of Dreams
Charles Sheffield - The Nimrod Hunt
James Morrow - This Is the Way the World Ends
Jack McDevitt - The Hercules Text
Gordon R. Dickson - The Forever Man
Bob Shaw - The Ragged Astronauts
F. M. Busby - Rebels' Seed

David Brin - The Postman (A jövő hírnöke) [Szukits]
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game (Végjáték) [Móra, Dáin]
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - Footfall
Isaac Asimov - Robots and Empire (Robotok és Birodalom) [Móra, Lazi, Szukits]
Brian W. Aldiss - Helliconia Winter
Robert A. Heinlein - The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
Tim Powers - Dinner at Deviant's Palace
James Tiptree, Jr. - Brightness Falls from the Air
C. J. Cherryh - Cuckoo's Egg
Ursula K. Le Guin - Always Coming Home
Greg Bear - Blood Music (A vér zenéje) [Móra]
Greg Bear - Eon
James P. Hogan - The Proteus Operation
C. J. Cherryh - The Kif Strike Back
Carl Sagan - Contact (Kapcsolat) [Édesvíz]
Gregory Benford - Artifact
Kim Stanley Robinson - The Memory of Whiteness
Bruce Sterling - Schismatrix
Charles Sheffield - Between the Strokes of Night
Frank Herbert - Chapterhouse: Dune (A Dűne Káptalanház) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
Michael Bishop - Ancient of Days
Michael P. Kube-McDowell - Emprise
Philip José Farmer - Dayworld
Norman Spinrad - Child of Fortune
Robert Silverberg - Tom O'Bedlam
Robert L. Forward - Starquake
Keith Roberts - Kiteworld
Barry N. Malzberg - The Remaking of Sigmund Freud
Melissa Scott - Five-Twelfths of Heaven
Somtow Sucharitkul - The Darkling Wind

Larry Niven - The Integral Trees
John Varley - Demon
Frederik Pohl - Heechee Rendezvous (Találkozás a hícsikkel) [Ulpius]
Samuel R. Delany - Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
C. J. Cherryh - Chanur's Venture
Gregory Benford - Across the Sea of Suns
Harry Harrison - West of Eden (Édentől nyugatra) [Metropolis Media]
William Gibson - Neuromancer (Neurománc) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
Gordon R. Dickson - The Final Encyclopedia
Marion Zimmer Bradley - City of Sorcery
Kim Stanley Robinson - Icehenge
Vernor Vinge - The Peace War
Joan D. Vinge - World's End
Octavia E. Butler - Clay's Ark
Julian May - The Adversary
Kim Stanley Robinson - The Wild Shore
Frank Herbert - Heretics of Dune (A Dűne eretnekei) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
David R. Palmer - Emergence
David Gerrold - A Day for Damnation
Suzette Haden Elgin - Native Tongue
Lucius Shepard - Green Eyes
Gene Wolfe - Free Live Free
F. M. Busby - Star Rebel
K. W. Jeter - Dr. Adder
Jack Dann - The Man Who Melted
Christopher Priest - The Glamour
David Brin - The Practice Effect
Hilbert Schenck - Steam Bird
Howard Waldrop - Them Bones
Richard A. Lupoff - Circumpolar!

David Brin - Startide Rising (Csillagdagály) [NeoTek]
Isaac Asimov - The Robots of Dawn (A Hajnal bolygó robotjai) [Móra, Szukits]
John Varley - Millennium
Brian W. Aldiss - Helliconia Summer
Norman Spinrad - The Void Captain's Tale
Anne McCaffrey - Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern (Moreta, a Pern sárkányúrnője) [Delta Vision]
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Thendara House
Gregory Benford - Against Infinity
Poul Anderson - Orion Shall Rise (Majd ha az Orion fölszáll) [Móra]
Julian May - The Nonborn King
Vonda N. McIntyre - Superluminal
Kate Wilhelm - Welcome, Chaos
John Brunner - The Crucible of Time
Joe Haldeman - Worlds Apart
Robert Silverberg - Valentine Pontifex (Valentin, Napkirály) [Metropolis Media]
Philip José Farmer - Gods of Riverworld
Gene Wolfe - The Citadel of the Autarch
C. J. Cherryh - Forty Thousand in Gehenna
David Gerrold - A Matter for Men
John Calvin Batchelor - The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica
Jack Williamson & Frederik Pohl - Wall Around a Star
Mary Gentle - Golden Witchbreed
Paul Preuss - Broken Symmetries
John Sladek - Roderick at Random
Joe Haldeman & Jack C. Haldeman II. - There Is No Darkness
James P. Hogan - Code of the Lifemaker
John Sladek - Tik-Tok
M. A. Foster - Transformer

Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge (Az Alapítvány pereme) [Kozmosz, Móra, GABO]
Arthur C. Clarke - 2010: Odyssey Two (2010. Második űrodisszeia) [Kozmosz, Szukits]
Robert A. Heinlein - Friday
C. J. Cherryh - The Pride of Chanur
Donald Kingsbury - Courtship Rite
Brian W. Aldiss - Helliconia Spring (Helliconia: Tavasz) [Tájfun]
Anne McCaffrey - The Crystal Singer
Frederik Pohl - Starburst
C. J. Cherryh - Merchanter's Luck
Douglas Adams - Life, the Universe and Everything (Az élet, a világmindenség meg minden) [Új Vénusz, GABO]
Julian May - The Golden Torc
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Hawkmistress!
John Sladek - Roderick
Michael Bishop - No Enemy But Time
Roger Zelazny - Eye of Cat
Larry Niven & Steven Barnes - The Descent of Anansi
Spider Robinson - Mindkiller
Hilbert Schenck - A Rose for Armageddon
Frank Herbert - The White Plague
Fred Saberhagen & Roger Zelazny - Coils
Marvin Kaye & Parke Godwin - Wintermind
Mike Resnick - Birthright: The Book of Man
R. A. Lafferty - Aurelia
Somtow Sucharitkul - Light on the Sound
Alan Dean Foster - Nor Crystal Tears
Paul O. Williams - The Fall of the Shell

Julian May - The Many-Colored Land
George R. R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle - Windhaven
C. J. Cherryh - Downbelow Station (Mélyállomás) [Maecenas]
Larry Niven & Steven Barnes - Dream Park (Álompark) [Valhalla Páholy]
Clifford D. Simak - Project Pope
Frank Herbert - God Emperor of Dune (A Dűne istencsászára) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
Frederik Pohl - The Cool War
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Sharra's Exile
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - Oath of Fealty
Russell Hoban - Riddley Walker
Philip K. Dick - The Divine Invasion (Istenek inváziója) [Agave]
Jack Vance - The Book of Dreams
Elizabeth A. Lynn - The Sardonyx Net
Jerry Pournelle - King David's Spaceship
Joe Haldeman - Worlds
Hilbert Schenck - At the Eye of the Ocean
A. A. Attanasio - Radix
Philip José Farmer - The Unreasoning Mask
Ben Bova - Voyagers
Janet Morris - Dream Dancer
C. J. Cherryh - The Pride of Chanur
James Gunn - The Dreamers
Suzette Haden Elgin - Twelve Fair Kingdoms
James Hogan - Giants' Star
Christopher Priest - The Affirmation
Ian Watson - Deathhunter
Philip K. Dick - VALIS (VALIS) [Agave]
Jack L. Chalker - Lilith
Dean Ing - Systemic Shock
Phyllis Eisenstein - In the Hands of Glory
C. J. Cherryh - Wave Without a Shore

Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen
Frederik Pohl - Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (Túl a kék eseményhorizonton) [Móra, Ulpius]
Larry Niven - The Ringworld Engineers
John Varley - Wizard
Gregory Benford - Timescape
Walter S. Tevis - Mockingbird
C. J. Cherryh - Serpent's Reach
Stephen King - Firestarter (Tűzgyújtó) [Európa, Maecenas]
Robert A. Heinlein - The Number of the Beast (A fenevad száma) [LAP-ICS]
Philip José Farmer - The Magic Labyrinth
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Two to Conquer
Octavia E. Butler - Wild Seed
Alfred Bester - Golem100
Robert L. Forward - Dragon's Egg
Marta Randall - Dangerous Games
Norman Spinrad - Songs from the Stars
Orson Scott Card - Songmaster
Michael Bishop - Eyes of Fire
Ian Watson - The Gardens of Delight
Keith Roberts - Molly Zero
James P. Hogan - Thrice Upon a Time
M. A. Foster - Waves
Jean Lorrah & Jacqueline Lichtenberg - First Channel
John Shirley - City Come A-Walkin'

John Varley - Titan (Titán) [LAP-ICS]
Frederik Pohl - Jem
Arthur C. Clarke - The Fountains of Paradise (Az éden szökőkútjai) [TOTEM]
Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson - Stardance
Thomas M. Disch - On Wings of Song
C. J. Cherryh - The Faded Sun: Kutath
Richard Cowper - The Road to Corlay
Anne McCaffrey - Dragondrums (Sárkánydobok) [Delta Vision]
John Crowley - Engine Summer
Jack Vance - The Face
Kate Wilhelm - Juniper Time
Michael Bishop - Transfigurations
Roger Zelazny - Roadmarks
Ben Bova - Kinsman
Len Deighton - SS-GB
Michael Bishop - Catacomb Years
Charles Sheffield - The Web Between the Worlds
Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. - Mayflies
J. G. Ballard - The Unlimited Dream Company
Orson Scott Card - A Planet Called Treason
Norman Spinrad - A World Between
James P. Hogan - The Two Faces of Tomorrow
M. A. Foster - The Day of the Klesh
Jerry Pournelle - Janissaries

Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake
Tom Reamy - Blind Voices
Anne McCaffrey - The White Dragon (Fehér Sárkány) [Delta Vision]
C. J. Cherryh - The Faded Sun: Kesrith
Ben Bova - Colony
Marion Zimmer Bradley - Stormqueen!
Gordon R. Dickson - The Far Call
Poul Anderson - The Avatar
Roger Zelazny - The Courts of Chaos
Gardner Dozois - Strangers
Gregory Benford - The Stars In Shroud
James Tiptree, Jr. - Up the Walls of the World
Joan D. Vinge - The Outcasts of Heaven's Belt
Charles Sheffield - Sight of Proteus
Stephen King - The Stand (Végítélet) [Európa]
Marta Randall - Journey
Michael Moorcock - Gloriana (Gloriana, avagy a kielégítetlen királynő) [Delta Vision]
Katherine Kurtz - Saint Camber
C. J. Cherryh - The Faded Sun: Shon'jir
Spider Robinson & Jeanne Robinson - Stardance II
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Eye of the Heron
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - Hotel Transylvania
Marvin Kaye & Parke Godwin - Masters of Solitude
Elizabeth A. Lynn - A Different Light
Gore Vidal - Kalki

Frederik Pohl - Gateway (Átjáró) [Móra, Ulpius]
Gregory Benford - In the Ocean of Night
John Varley - The Ophiuchi Hotline
Gordon R. Dickson - Time Storm
Algis Budrys - Michaelmas
Philip K. Dick - A Scanner Darkly (Kamera által homályosan) [Agave]
Frank Herbert - The Dosadi Experiment (A dosadi kísérlet) [Valhalla Páholy]
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - Lucifer's Hammer
Anne McCaffrey - Dragonsinger (Sárkánydalnok) [Delta Vision]
George R. R. Martin - Dying of the Light
Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Forbidden Tower
C. J. Cherryh - Hunter of Worlds
Poul Anderson - Mirkheim
Philip José Farmer - The Dark Design
Clifford D. Simak - A Heritage of Stars
Terry Carr - Cirque
David Gerrold - Moonstar Odyssey
Jack L. Chalker - Midnight at the Well of Souls
James P. Hogan - Inherit the Stars
Joe Haldeman - All My Sins Remembered
Ian Watson - The Martian Inca
Michael Bishop - A Little Knowledge
Gregory Benford & Gordon Eklund - If the Stars Are Gods

Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
Joe Haldeman - Mindbridge
Frederik Pohl - Man Plus
Frank Herbert - Children of Dune (A Dűne gyermekei) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
Larry Niven - A World Out of Time (Időn kívüli világ) [Hajja & Fiai]
Robert Silverberg - Shadrach in the Furnace
Ben Bova - Millennium
Roger Zelazny - The Hand of Oberon
C. J. Cherryh - Brothers of Earth
Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Shattered Chain
Jack Vance - Maske: Thaery
Algis Budrys - Michaelmas
Samuel R. Delany - Triton
Kate Wilhelm - The Clewiston Test
Anne McCaffrey - Dragonsong (Sárkányének) [Delta Vision]
Gordon R. Dickson - The Dragon and the George (György és a Sárkány) [LAP-ICS]
Pamela Sargent - Cloned Lives
Michael Moorcock - The End of All Songs
Cecelia Holland - Floating Worlds,
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - Time of the Fourth Horseman

Joe Haldeman - The Forever War (Örök háború) [Valhalla Páholy]
John Brunner - The Shockwave Rider
Alfred Bester - The Computer Connection (mg title "The Indian Giver")
Robert Silverberg - The Stochastic Man (Jövőlátó ember) [Móra]
Samuel R. Delany - Dhalgren
Arthur C. Clarke - Imperial Earth
Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Heritage of Hastur
Roger Zelazny - Doorways in the Sand
Cordwainer Smith - Norstrilia
Joanna Russ - The Female Man
Roger Zelazny - Sign of the Unicorn
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - Inferno
Jack Vance - Showboat World
Michael Bishop - A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire
Vonda N. McIntyre - The Exile Waiting
Ray Nelson - Blake's Progress
M. A. Foster - Warriors of Dawn
Gordon R. Dickson & Harry Harrison - Lifeboat
Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus!
Tanith Lee - The Birthgrave
Katherine MacLean - Missing Man

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed (Kisemmizettek) [Cédrus]
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye (Szálka Isten szemében) [Aquila-Cherubion]
Philip K. Dick - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (Csordulj könnyem, mondta a rendőr) [Agave]
T. J. Bass - The Godwhale
D. G. Compton - The Unsleeping Eye
Christopher Priest - The Inverted World
Poul Anderson - Fire Time
James White - The Dream Millennium
Richard Cowper - The Twilight of Briareus,
Edgar Pangborn - The Company of Glory
Jack Vance - The Domains of Koryphon
Patricia A. McKillip - The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (Boszorkányerdő) [Delta Vision]
Thomas Burnett Swann - How Are the Mighty Fallen
John Brunner - Total Eclipse (Teljes napfogyatkozás) [Háttér]
Barry N. Malzberg - The Destruction of the Temple
Tak Hallus - Star Gate
Doris Piserchia - Star Rider
Poul Anderson - A Midsummer Tempest (Tomboló vihar) [Cherubion]
Evangeline Walton - Prince of Annwn
Suzy McKee Charnas - Walk to the End of the World
Alan Dean Foster - Icerigger
Poul Anderson - A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows

Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama (Randevú a Rámával) [Kozmosz, Ulpius]
Robert A. Heinlein - Time Enough for Love
Poul Anderson - The People of the Wind
Larry Niven - Protector
David Gerrold - The Man Who Folded Himself
Jack Vance - Trullion: Alastor (Trullion) [LAP-ICS]
Gordon R. Dickson - The Far Call
Roger Zelazny - To Die In Italbar
Roger Zelazny - Today We Choose Faces
Edmund Cooper - The Cloud Walker
George Alec Effinger - Relatives
Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow (Súlyszivárvány) [Magvető]
Barry N. Malzberg - Herovit's World
Sterling Lanier - Hiero's Journey
John Boyd - The Doomsday Gene

Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves (Az istenek is...) [Cédrus, Szukits]
Robert Silverberg - The Book of Skulls
Robert Silverberg - Dying Inside
David Gerrold - When Harlie Was One
Clifford D. Simak - A Choice of Gods
John Brunner - The Sheep Look Up
Poul Anderson - There Will Be Time
James E. Gunn - The Listeners
Roger Zelazny - The Guns of Avalon (Avalon ágyúi) [Szukits]
Norman Spinrad - The Iron Dream
Gene Wolfe - The Fifth Head of Cerberus
George Alec Effinger - What Entropy Means to Me
Gordon R. Dickson - The Pritcher Mass
Jack Vance - The Brave, Free Men
Katherine Kurtz - Deryni Checkmate
Barry N. Malzberg - Beyond Apollo
Bob Shaw - Other Days, Other Eyes
Harry Harrison - A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!
David Gerrold - Yesterday's Children
Andrew J. Offutt - The Castle Keeps
Gordon Eklund - Beyond the Resurrection

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Lathe of Heaven (Égi eszterga) [Móra]
Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Robert Silverberg - A Time of Changes
Roger Zelazny - Jack of Shadows
Anne McCaffrey - Dragonquest (Sárkányhajsza) [Delta Vision]
Robert Silverberg - The World Inside
R. A. Lafferty - The Devil Is Dead
Philip José Farmer - The Fabulous Riverboat
Robert Silverberg - Son of Man
Robert Silverberg - The Second Trip
Lloyd Biggle, Jr. - The World Menders
Poul Anderson - The Byworlder
Suzette Haden Elgin - Furthest
R. A. Lafferty - Arrive at Easterwine
Thomas Burnett Swann - The Forest of Forever

Larry Niven - Ringworld (Gyűrűvilág) [Valhalla Páholy]
Robert Silverberg - Tower of Glass (Üvegtorony) [Valhalla Páholy]
Wilson Tucker - The Year of the Quiet Sun
Joanna Russ - And Chaos Died
Robert Silverberg - Downward to the Earth
R. A. Lafferty - Fourth Mansions
Poul Anderson - Tau Zero
Gordon R. Dickson - The Tactics of Mistake
Robert A. Heinlein - I Will Fear No Evil
Hal Clement - Star Light (Csillagfény) [Móra]
Dean Koontz - Beastchild
Katherine Kurtz - Deryni Rising
D. G. Compton - Chronocules
D. G. Compton - The Steel Crocodile
Roger Zelazny - Nine Princes in Amber (Amber hercegei) [Valhalla Páholy]
Ron Goulart - After Things Fell Apart

2 megjegyzés: