2012. június 7., csütörtök

Locus-díjas regények (Első könyves szerzők)

Első könyves szerzők 1981 -
Gondoltam összegyűjtöm a blogon az évenként odaítélt jelentősebb díjak (Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Locus), sci-fi és fantasy kategóriákban induló - és nyertes - műveit. A magyarul is kiadott könyveket dőltel szedtem, és a magyar cím mellett a kiadót is feltüntettem. Aki talál olyan regényt a listán, amit nem vettem észre, és ki lett adva magyarul, az kérem jelezze, hogy javíthassam!
A mostani listában 1981-től - mióta a Locus-díj eme változatát is odaítélik -, az első könyves szerzők science-fiction és a fantasy könyvei szerepelnek együtt.

A Locus-díj egy irodalmi díj, amely a Locus Magazine közönségdíja. 1971-ben adták ki először az 1970-ben írt művekre vonatkozóan. [Wikipedia]

Itt nem 3-5 ember (még ha esetleg értenek is hozzá és szaktekintélynek számítanak is) választja ki a számára legszimpatikusabbat, hanem a könyvek tényleges olvasói szavazhatnak kedvencükre. Író lennék, ennek a díjnak örülnék legjobban, bár szakmai szempontból biztos kisebb jelentőségű, mint a Hugo vagy a Nebula.

Jól látható, hogy az 1990-es évek közepe előttről csak véletlenül van kiadva 1-2 könyv. Szerencsére a 2000-es évektől kezdve egyre több könyvet láthatunk magyarul is a boltok polcain közülük.

Nektek vannak olyan könyvek ezen a listán, ami miatt fáj a szivetek, hogy még nem olvashattátok őket magyarul? Adassuk ki! :D

Köszönet a kiadott könyvekért a kiadóknak!

2012 (Finalisták)
Ernest Cline - Ready Player One
Kameron Hurley - God’s War
Will McIntosh - Soft Apocalypse
Erin Morgenstern - The Night Circus (Éjszakai cirkusz) [Libri]
Genevieve Valentine - Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti

N. K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Charles Yu - How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
Hannu Rajaniemi - The Quantum Thief (Kvantumtolvaj) [Ad Astra]
Mary Robinette Kowal - Shades of Milk and Honey
Amelia Beamer - The Loving Dead
Lavie Tidhar - The Bookman
M. K. Hobson - The Native Star
Gemma Files - A Book of Tongues
Karen Lord - Redemption in Indigo
Terry Dowling - Clowns at Midnight
Dexter Palmer - The Dream of Perpetual Motion
Brenna Yovanoff - The Replacement (Az elcserélt) [Egmont]
Julia Holmes - Meeks
Anthony Huso - The Last Page
Darin Bradley - Noise

Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl (A felhúzhatós lány) [Ad Astra]
Ken Scholes - Lamentation
Jedediah Berry - The Manual of Detection
Gail Carriger - Soulless (Soulless - Lélektelen) [Könyvmolyképző]
Greg van Eekhout - Norse Code
Malinda Lo - Ash
Seanan McGuire - Rosemary and Rue
Jack Skillingstead - Harbinger
Alan DeNiro - Total Oblivion, More or Less
Lucy A. Snyder - Spellbent
Kari Sperring - Living with Ghosts
Stephen Deas - The Adamantine Palace
Mark Teppo - Lightbreaker
James Enge - Blood of Ambrose

Paul Melko - Singularity's Ring
Daryl Gregory - Pandemonium
Felix Gilman - Thunderer
Jo Graham - Black Ships
Nick Harkaway - The Gone-Away World
Kristin Cashore - Graceling (Graceling - A garabonc) [Könyvmolyképző]
Peter V. Brett - The Painted Man (The Warded Man)
J. M. McDermott - Last Dragon
Marie Rutkoski - The Cabinet of Wonders
Robert V. S. Redick - The Red Wolf Conspiracy
Doug Dorst - Alive in Necropolis
Richard Parks - The Long Look
Alex Bell - The Ninth Circle

Joe Hill - Heart-Shaped Box (A szív alakú doboz) [Európa]
Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind (A szél neve) [Gabo]
Ysabeau S. Wilce - Flora Segunda
Christopher Barzak - One for Sorrow
Cassandra Clare - City of Bones (Csontváros) [Könyvmolyképző]
Jon Armstrong - Grey
Alex Bledsoe - The Sword-Edged Blonde
Eliot Fintushel - Breakfast with the One You Love
Melissa Marr - Wicked Lovely (Veszélyes játék) [Kelly]
Lane Robins - Maledicte

Naomi Novik - Temeraire: His Majesty's Dragon/Throne of Jade/Black Powder War (Őfelsége sárkánya / A jádeköves trón / Puskapor és sárkányvér) [Agave]
Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora (Locke Lamora hazugságai) [Alexandra]
Tobias S. Buckell - Crystal Rain
Ellen Klages - The Green Glass Sea
Gordon Dahlquist - The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters (Az álomfalók) [Alexandra]
Daniel Abraham - A Shadow in Summer
James Van Pelt - Summer of the Apocalypse
Alan Campbell - Scar Night
Joe Abercrombie - The Blade Itself (A penge maga) [Könyvmolyképző]
Keith Donohue - The Stolen Child
Holly Phillips - The Burning Girl
Barth Anderson - The Patron Saint of Plagues

Elizabeth Bear - Hammered/Scardown/Worldwired
John Scalzi - Old Man's War (Vének háborúja) [Agave]
David Marusek - Counting Heads
Tim Pratt - The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl
Hal Duncan - Vellum
Jay Lake - Rocket Science
Sarah Monette - Melusine
Charles Coleman Finlay - The Prodigal Troll
Justine Larbalestier - Magic or Madness
Judith Berman - Bear Daughter
Maria V. Snyder - Poison Study
Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu - Zahrah the Windseeker
Adam Stemple - Singer of Souls
Anna Tambour - Spotted Lily
Frances Hardinge - Fly by Night

Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (A hollókirály) [Agave]
Steph Swainston - The Year of Our War
Karen Traviss - City of Pearl
Jennifer Stevenson - Trash Sex Magic
Minister Faust - The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad
Tamara Siler Jones - Ghosts in the Snow
Leslie What - Olympic Games
Nick Mamatas - Move Under Ground
John Birmingham - Weapons of Choice
Stephen Woodworth - Through Violet Eyes
Theodore Judson - Fitzpatrick's War
Thomas Wheeler - The Arcanum
Sarah Micklem - Firethorn
Catherynne M. Valente - The Labyrinth
Oisin McGann - The Gods and Their Machines

Cory Doctorow - Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
Jeff VanderMeer - Veniss Underground
Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife (Az időutazó felesége) [Ulpius, Athenaeum]
K. J. Bishop - The Etched City
Leah R. Cutter - Paper Mage
Chris Moriarty - Spin State
Mark Budz - Clade
R. Scott Bakker - The Darkness That Comes Before
Mike Brotherton - Star Dragon
Caitlin Sweet - A Telling of Stars
ElizaBeth Gilligan - Magic's Silken Snare
Jim Knipfel - The Buzzing

Alexander C. Irvine - A Scattering of Jades
John C. Wright - The Golden Age
Richard Morgan - Altered Carbon (Valós halál) [Agave]
Kelley Eskridge - Solitaire
Charles Stross - The Atrocity Archive (sorozat)
Karin Lowachee - Warchild
James A. Hetley - The Summer Country
Naomi Kritzer - Fires of the Faithful
Scott Nicholson - The Red Church
Nega Mezlekia - The God Who Begat a Jackal
Lisa Lerner - Just Like Beauty
Pauline J. Alama - The Eye of Night

Jacqueline Carey - Kushiel's Dart
Jasper Fforde - The Eyre Affair (A Jane Eyre eset) [Láva]
Cecilia Dart-Thornton - The Ill-Made Mute
Liz Williams - The Ghost Sister
Wen Spencer - Alien Taste
Ken Wharton - Divine Intervention
Sarah A. Hoyt - Ill Met by Moonlight
Terry McGarry - Illumination
Donna McMahon - Dance of Knives
Suzanne Allés Blom - Inca
Lyda Morehouse - Archangel Protocol
Paul Brandon - Swim the Moon
Rebecca Lickiss - Eccentric Circles
Jane Alison - The Love-Artist
Karen Michalson - Enemy Glory
Jessica Rydill - Children of the Shaman

Geoffrey A. Landis - Mars Crossing
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space (Napok Háza) [Alexandra]
David Herter - Ceres Storm
Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen - Wheelers
Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves
Juliet Marillier - Daughter of the Forest
Jo Walton - The King's Peace
Adam Roberts - Salt
Mindy L. Klasky - The Glasswright's Apprentice
James Stevens-Arce - Soulsaver
Laurel Winter - Growing Wings

Paul Levinson - The Silk Code
Thomas Harlan - The Shadow of Ararat
Peter Watts - Starfish
Kristine Smith - Code of Conduct
Juliet E. McKenna - The Thief's Gamble (Veszélyes játszma) [Beholder]
China Miéville - King Rat
Jan Lars Jensen - Shiva 3000
Jan Siegel - Prospero's Children
Maxine McArthur - Time Future
Elizabeth Haydon - Rhapsody
Marc Matz - Nocturne for a Dangerous Man
Justina Robson - Silver Screen
Michael Cisco - The Divinity Student
Ricardo Pinto - The Chosen
Steven Erikson - Gardens of the Moon (A Hold udvara) [Alexandra]

Nalo Hopkinson - Brown Girl in the Ring
Carolyn Ives Gilman - Halfway Human
Kage Baker - In the Garden of Iden
J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (US title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) (Harry Potter és a bölcsek köve) [Animus]
Kristen Britain - Green Rider
Caitlín R. Kiernan - Silk
Joanne Bertin - The Last Dragonlord
David Morse - The Iron Bridge
Michael Marano - Dawn Song
James Stoddard - The High House
Delia Marshall Turner - Nameless Magery
Ronald Wright - A Scientific Romance
Anne Bishop - Daughter of the Blood
Nicholas van Pallandt - Anvil
Jocelin Foxe - The Wild Hunt: Vengeance Moon
Kate Forsyth - Dragonclaw: Book One of The Witches of Eileanan (The Witches of Eileanan)

Ian R. MacLeod - The Great Wheel
James Alan Gardner - Expendable
Candas Jane Dorsey - Black Wine
Susan R. Matthews - An Exchange of Hostages
William K. Hartmann - Mars Underground
Stephen Dedman - The Art of Arrow Cutting
Katie Waitman - The Merro Tree
Howard V. Hendrix - Lightpaths
Julie E. Czerneda - A Thousand Words for Stranger
Paul Witcover - Waking Beauty
Stepan Chapman - The Troika
Fiona Patton - The Stone Prince
Kirsten Bakis - Lives of the Monster Dogs
Matthew Woodring Stover - Iron Dawn
Marina Fitch - The Seventh Heart
Elisabeth DeVos - The Seraphim Rising

Sarah Zettel - Reclamation
Sage Walker - Whiteout
J. Gregory Keyes - The Waterborn (Folyamszülött) [Delta Vision]
Raphael Carter - The Fortunate Fall
Richard Garfinkle - Celestial Matters
N. Lee Wood - Looking for the Mahdi
Lynn Flewelling - Luck in the Shadows
Ian McDowell - Mordred's Curse
Deborah Christian - Mainline
Katya Reimann - Wind from a Foreign Sky
Francine G. Woodbury - Shade and Shadow
Mary Doria Russell - The Sparrow
Jane Routley - Mage Heart
Roby James - Commencement
Mike Moscoe - First Dawn

Linda Nagata - The Bohr Maker
Sharon Shinn - The Shape-Changer's Wife
Tricia Sullivan - Lethe
Richard Calder - Dead Girls
Patrick O'Leary - Door Number Three
J. V. Jones - The Baker's Boy
Jamil Nasir - Quasar
Felicity Savage - Humility Garden
Scott G. Gier - Genellan: Planetfall
Catherine Asaro - Primary Inversion
Alison Sinclair - Legacies
Chico Kidd - The Printer's Devil

Jonathan Lethem - Gun, With Occasional Music
Kathleen Ann Goonan - Queen City Jazz
Stephan Grundy - Rhinegold
Carolyn Cushman - Witch and Wombat
Jeff Noon - Vurt (Vurt) [Agave]
David Feintuch - Midshipman's Hope
Terry Goodkind - Wizard's First Rule (Az Első Szabály I-II.) [Excalibur]
Maggie Furey - Aurian
Sherry Gottlieb - Love Bite
F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre - The Woman Between the Worlds
Jane Lindskold - Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls
Valerie J. Freireich - Becoming Human
Denise Lopes Heald - Mistwalker
Wil McCarthy - Aggressor Six
J. R. Dunn - This Side of Judgment
K. D. Wentworth - The Imperium Game
Elisabeth Waters - Changing Fate

Patricia Anthony - Cold Allies
Nicola Griffith - Ammonite
Mary Rosenblum - The Drylands
Wilhelmina Baird - CrashCourse
Amy Thomson - Virtual Girl
Helen Collins - Mutagenesis
Tony Daniel - Warpath
Charles Pellegrino - Flying to Valhalla
Flynn Connolly - The Rising of the Moon
Sean Stewart - Passion Play
Elisa DeCarlo - The Devil You Say
Martha Wells - The Element of Fire
S. Andrew Swann - Forests of the Night
Elizabeth Willey - The Well-Favored Man
Yvonne Navarro - Afterage

Maureen F. McHugh - China Mountain Zhang
Steven Gould - Jumper
Poppy Z. Brite - Lost Souls
Susan Palwick - Flying in Place
Robert Harris - Fatherland (Führer-nap) [Aranyhíd, Magyar Könyvklub]
Holly Lisle - Fire in the Mist
Edward Meyers - The Mountain Made of Light
Charles Oberndorf - Sheltered Lives
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff - The Meri

Kathe Koja - The Cipher
Kristine Kathryn Rusch - The White Mists of Power
Alexander Jablokov - Carve the Sky
Stephen Baxter - Raft
Tom Maddox - Halo
Lynn S. Hightower - Alien Blues
Faren Miller - The Illusionists
R. Garcia y Robertson - The Spiral Dance
Jane Fancher - Groundties
Douglas Bell - Mojo and the Pickle Jar
Melanie Tem - Prodigal
Greer Ilene Gilman - Moonwise
Sean Russell - The Initiate Brother
Karen Joy Fowler - Sarah Canary
Emily Devenport - Shade
Dana Stabenow - Second Star
Dennis Danvers - Wilderness

Michael F. Flynn - In the Country of the Blind
Elizabeth Hand - Winterlong
Lisa Mason - Arachne
Robert J. Sawyer - Golden Fleece
Kathleen M. O'Neal - An Abyss of Light
Claudia O'Keefe - Black Snow Days
Wm. Mark Simmons - In the Net of Dreams
Michael Cadnum - Nightlight
Ernest Hogan - Cortez on Jupiter
Keith Brooke - Keepers of the Peace
Katherine Blake - The Interior Life
Annette Curtis Klaus - The Silver Kiss

Allen Steele - Orbital Decay
Nancy A. Collins - Sunglasses After Dark
Dave Wolverton - On My Way to Paradise
Ted Reynolds - The Tides of God
Michael Kandel - Strange Invasion
Dean Wesley Smith - Laying the Music to Rest
Doris Egan - The Gate of Ivory (Ivory kapuja) [LAP-ICS]
Rory Harper - Petrogypsies
John Cramer - Twistor
Patrick McGrath - The Grotesque
Jeanne Larsen - Silk Road
Rosemary Kirstein - The Steerswoman
Teresa Edgerton - Child of Saturn
Judith Hawkes - Julian's House
Alida Van Gores - Mermaid's Song
Randall Boyll - After Sundown
Jonathan Littell - Bad Voltage
Zohra Greenhalgh - Contrarywise
John Brizzolara - Empire's Horizon

Ian McDonald - Desolation Road
Michaela Roessner - Walkabout Woman
Richard Kadrey - Metrophage
Elizabeth Moon - Sheepfarmer's Daughter
Daniel Keys Moran - The Armageddon Blues
Melanie Rawn - Dragon Prince
Brad Linaweaver - Moon of Ice
David Zindell - Neverness
Paul J. McAuley - Four Hundred Billion Stars
William Sanders - Journey to Fusang
Kevin J. Anderson - Resurrection, Inc.
Matt Ruff - Fool on the Hill
Andrea I. Alton - Demon of Undoing
Gail Van Asten - The Blind Knight
Mary Stanton - The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West
Stephen Fine - Molly Dear: The Autobiography of an Android
W. T. Quick - Dreams of Flesh and Sand
Eric Vinicoff - Maiden Flight
M. Lucie Chin - The Fairy of Ku-She
Richard Paul Russo - Inner Eclipse
Storm Constantine - The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit
Phillip C. Jennings - Tower to the Sky
Delia Sherman - Through a Brazen Mirror

Emma Bull - War for the Oaks
Pat Cadigan - Mindplayers
C. S. Friedman - In Conquest Born
Christopher Hinz - Liege-Killer
Loren J. MacGregor - The Net
Mercedes Lackey - Arrows of the Queen
Rebecca Ore - Becoming Alien
Michael Armstrong - After the Zap
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - Reindeer Moon
Ellen Kushner - Swordspoint
H. F. Saint - Memoirs of an Invisible Man
Hayford Peirce - Napoleon Disentimed
Joe Clifford Faust - A Death of Honor
Stephen Billias - The American Book of the Dead
Thomas R. McDonough - The Architects of Hyperspace
Bruce Fergusson - The Shadow of His Wings
Judith Moffett - Pennterra
Robert Reed - The Leeshore
Dave Duncan - A Rose-Red City
Michael Blumlein - The Movement of Mountains
Andrew Weiner - Station Gehenna
Paul Park - Soldiers of Paradise
Heather Gladney - Teot's War
Midori Snyder - Soulstring
Jerry Oltion - Frame of Reference

Jack McDevitt - The Hercules Text
Lois McMaster Bujold - Shards of Honor (Maréknyi becsület) [Lazi]
Robert Charles Wilson - A Hidden Place
Bradley Denton - Wrack & Roll
Leo Frankowski - The Cross-Time Engineer
Anne Moroz - No Safe Place
Terry A. Adams - Sentience
Thomas Wren - The Doomsday Effect
Tom Deitz - Windmaster's Bane (A szelek urának végzete) [Unikornis]
Robert R. Chase - The Game of Fox and Lion
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel - Fire Sanctuary
Richard Bowes - Warchild
Katharine Kerr - Daggerspell
Kara Dalkey - The Curse of Sagamore
Michael Cassutt - The Star Country
Pat O'Shea - The Hounds of the Morrigan
Deborah Turner Harris - The Burning Stone

Carl Sagan - Contact (Kapcsolat) [Édesvíz]
Michael P. Kube-McDowell - Emprise
Michael Swanwick - In the Drift
Guy Gavriel Kay - The Summer Tree
Tad Williams - Tailchaser's Song
Will Shetterly - Cats Have No Lord
M. Coleman Easton - Masters of Glass
Richard Grant - Saraband of Lost Time
Jim Aikin - Walk the Moon's Road
Sheila Finch - Infinity's Web
Judith Tarr - The Isle of Glass
Grant Callin - Saturnalia
Roger MacBride Allen - The Torch of Honor
Susan B. Weston - Children of the Light
Geoff Ryman - The Warrior Who Carried Life
Dan Simmons - Song of Kali (Káli dala) [Delta Vision]
Pamela C. Dean - The Secret Country
Melisa C. Michaels - Skyrider 1: Skirmish
Edward A. Byers - The Long Forgetting
Dave Smeds - The Sorcery Within
Ru Emerson - The Princess of Flames
Kathryn Lance - Pandora's Genes
Viido Polikarpus & Tappan King - Down Town
Linda Steele - Ibis
Chuck Rothman - Staroamer's Fate

Kim Stanley Robinson - The Wild Shore
William Gibson - Neuromancer (Neurománc) [Valhalla Páholy, Szukits]
David R. Palmer - Emergence
Lucius Shepard - Green Eyes
Howard Waldrop - Them Bones
Joseph H. Delaney & Marc Stiegler - Valentina: Soul in Sapphire
Charles de Lint - The Riddle of the Wren
T. E. D. Klein - The Ceremonies
Lewis Shiner - Frontera
Kirk Mitchell - Procurator
Carter Scholz & Glenn Harcourt - Palimpsests
Geary Gravel - The Alchemists
Melissa Scott - The Game Beyond
Gwyneth Jones - Divine Endurance
Jerry Yulsman - Elleander Morning
Charles Whitmore - Winter's Daughter
David Mace - Demon-4

R. A. MacAvoy - Tea with the Black Dragon
Timothy Zahn - The Blackcollar
M. Bradley Kellogg - A Rumor of Angels
Sheri S. Tepper - King's Blood Four
John DeChancie - Starrigger
Robert W. Franson - The Shadow of the Ship
Megan Lindholm - Harpy's Flight
Bruce T. Holmes - Anvil of the Heart
Gloria Rand Dank - The Forest of App
Clare Bell - Ratha's Creature

Donald Kingsbury - Courtship Rite
Lisa Goldstein - The Red Magician
Warren Norwood - The Windhover Tapes: An Image of Voices
Diana L. Paxson - Lady of Light
Sandra Miesel - Dreamrider
David Langford - The Space Eater
P. C. Hodgell - God Stalk
Sharon Webb - Earthchild
Michael Talbot - The Delicate Dependency
Raymond E. Feist - Magician (Az érzőszívű mágus ill. Mágus: A mester és Mágus: A tanítvány) [Unikornis ill. Beholder]
Lou Goble - The Kalevide
Janny Wurts - Sorcerer's Legacy
Michael McCollum - A Greater Infinity
Pat Murphy - The Shadow Hunter

Somtow Sucharitkul - Starship & Haiku
Hilbert Schenck - At the Eye of the Ocean
A. A. Attanasio - Radix
Paul O. Williams - The Breaking of Northwall
Karl Hansen - War Games
Nancy Kress - The Prince of Morning Bells
Alexis Gilliland - Revolution from Rosinante
Kenneth Flint - A Storm Upon Ulster
Jerry Earl Brown - Under the City of Angels
Stephen Leigh - Slow Fall to Dawn
Paul H. Cook - Tintagel
Alasdair Gray - Lanark
Drew Mendelson - Pilgrimage
James B. Johnson - Daystar and Shadow
Adam Corby - The Former King
Steve Perry - The Tularemia Gambit

Robert L. Forward - Dragon's Egg
Robert Stallman - The Orphan
David Brin - Sundiver
Justin Leiber - Beyond Rejection
Paul Preuss - The Gates of Heaven
Lyndon Hardy - Master of the Five Magics
Gillian Bradshaw - Hawk of May
Joan Slonczewski - Still Forms on Foxfield
Paul Hazel - Yearwood
David J. Skal - Scavengers
John M. Ford - Web of Angels
Rudy Rucker - White Light
Dennis R. Caro - The Man in the Darksuit
Tim Huntley - One On Me
Dale Estey - A Lost Tale

2 megjegyzés:

  1. Egyébként Nick Sagan Idlewildja szerintem bőven megérdemelte volna, hogy bekerüljön a 2003-as jelöltek közé, egyáltalán nem volt egy rossz első könyv az a szerzőtől.

    1. Nem volt szerencsém sajnos még Sagan könyvet olvasni, de milyen furcsa, hogy pont szombat éjjel beszéltük ki haverokkal az apja munkásságát. (Írások, filmek, SETI program, stb.). Volt kitől örökölnie a tehetséget a fiúnak, na! :)
